
History NL88

The townhouse is built in 1712 and has a rich monumental history. Number 88 was constructed together with number 86 and until 1936 they were the same height, making them known as “sister” houses.
It took until 1921 before the houses were connected to a sewer system.
At that time, number 88 was home to a pork-butchery, and next door in 86 there was a pub.  
"De Jordaan" was a working class neighbourhood, and the "Nieuwe Leliestraat" was a main shopping street intended for the locals.
Around 1936, number 88 was renovated and they lifted the facade about 2 metres and created more living space inside. The door was moved to the side, in order to create a divide between the storefront and the two apartments above.
After the renovation the butchery turned into a second-hand shop. For a brief period it became a flower shop, before turning into a pet supplies store. 
Next the shop transformed into “het Vogelparadijs” ( The Birds Paradise) which specialised in bird seeds. In those days a lot of people were pigeon fanciers and families commonly kept canaries and parakeets as pets. 
In the eighties the building was renovated once again, closing down The Birds Paradise in order to be entirely living space. 
The final renovations were done in 2009, making number 88 into the townhouse we know and love today. 

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